So this weekend I decided to get motivated and actually use my gym membership. I took off on Saturday morning and headed for the circut training class that my gym offers. I was previously warned by a good friend how intense it was but clearly it didn't quite sink in enough. For one hour we carried a 12lb. weigh bar (she told us to pretend it was our baby and not drop it)while also, running, lunging, sit ups, push ups, and many more exercises, it all became a blur after the first 20 minutes...needless to say I was sore leaving the class (yes, already).
To top it off my husband and I commited to running a 10k on Sunday!!! I woke up Sunday morning not feeling too bad..I was sore but thought a good walk would stretch my muscles out. A mile into our "walk" it turned into run because we saw all kinds of people running past us...and of course we didn't want to be last. My husband took off running in and out of the packs of people with the jogger stroller...and I walk/ran with another friend of ours. Needless to say I can barely walk right now and am going to be hating it the next two days (gets worse after the second day).
One good thing about all of this...hopefully this will turn around my currently non-existent work out schedule.
July 27, 2008
July 22, 2008
the tomatoes are coming soon...
lucky for me my husband is an excellent gardener and I can benefit from his green's a peek at the garden to date :). There is nothing better than fresh veggies!



last but not least our's not doing as well this year, I think because we put it in a pot this year.



last but not least our's not doing as well this year, I think because we put it in a pot this year.

July 21, 2008
I haven't posted in a few days, it seems that I've been busy and the days have just been flying by. I went to this great little show in San Fran on Sunday called "Babes & Babies" and it show cases 50 designers, ALL relating to babies and kids...there was some really cute stuff there and I met some really great people also starting businesses. I also took some more pictures of my blankets and they will be up on the website shortly. here's a peek...then I can finally launch!

July 14, 2008
TDF cute...
My really sweet friend came over today and dressed her two girls up so I could take pictures of them with my products. It's always a hoot when we do this because with three kids, fixing products, getting the kids to smile it become quite entertaining and we always bust up laughing. I'm working on my camera skills still..but we managed to get some really cute shots. here's a little taste..more to come on the site.

July 9, 2008
feeling disorganized..
Today we had our bathroom tile redone so we had two workers in and out of the house from 9 to 5, tarps all over the house so they could walk on them and not get the house messy (very nice of them) and NO NAPS for the little guy. Between the tile saw going off every five minutes and of course the neighbors landscapers love for the leaf blower there was no chance of a nap. I don't know about everyone else but I depend on those naps to get things done during the day and also decompress a little. Any how..once I gave up the battle of trying to give him a nap I decided to lock ourselves in the office an try to organize a little. I successfully organized all my materials so I know what I need to order and what I have plenty of...phew! I feel so much OCD has has been fed :)

and my assistant...I'm going to have to rethink his hourly rate

and my assistant...I'm going to have to rethink his hourly rate

July 7, 2008
The green factor...

I must admit having a child did change my outlook on a lot of things that we had in the house as normal every day items (cleansers, soaps, lotions etc..) and what I tend to purchase these days. While I have a ways to go (baby steps)..I think it's important to do what we can in being aware of what's in our products, what we put on our skin and what we put in our mouth.
Just when I think I'm purchasing something better for the house, child or husband I go to my favorite site you can check out products and they rate the products by hazzard levels. I just checked one of the brands I like and thought was green..turns out this particular product has a toxicity level of 5 out of 10!!!
Krikey...I'm realizing that many of these companies that claim to be green and non-toxic have chemicals in them and damn good marketing. While I'm trying to be "aware" I'm realizing the more I learn, the little I know..does that make sense? You can really get obsessed with this that's why it's important to take baby steps and do what you can.
In the mean time let me leave you with this:
Clorox bought burts bees for 913 million
Loreal bought the body shop for 1.4 billion
Colgate-Polmolive bought toms of maine for 100 million
aren't those oxymorons?
July 1, 2008

Today we start July and I can not believe how fast the months fly by! I'm happy to post that my website is getting close and thru I should be getting my products in the hands of some celebs! We have some small adjustments to make on the site and of course I decided to add some additional flash to make it a bit more fancy and that takes time... We should be up and running soon!
Please stay tuned and visit
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