I must admit having a child did change my outlook on a lot of things that we had in the house as normal every day items (cleansers, soaps, lotions etc..) and what I tend to purchase these days. While I have a ways to go (baby steps)..I think it's important to do what we can in being aware of what's in our products, what we put on our skin and what we put in our mouth.
Just when I think I'm purchasing something better for the house, child or husband I go to my favorite site ewg.org.... you can check out products and they rate the products by hazzard levels. I just checked one of the brands I like and thought was green..turns out this particular product has a toxicity level of 5 out of 10!!!
Krikey...I'm realizing that many of these companies that claim to be green and non-toxic have chemicals in them and damn good marketing. While I'm trying to be "aware" I'm realizing the more I learn, the little I know..does that make sense? You can really get obsessed with this stuff...so that's why it's important to take baby steps and do what you can.
In the mean time let me leave you with this:
Clorox bought burts bees for 913 million
Loreal bought the body shop for 1.4 billion
Colgate-Polmolive bought toms of maine for 100 million
aren't those oxymorons?
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