Sometimes it's really hard to self motivate when you have your own business because it's just me in the office and there is no "office camaraderie". Around 2 today I walked to the mail box and picked up the mail. I always thumb through it really quickly on the way back in the house to see if there is anything good to open right away or just put it on the counter to go through later.
I saw a hand written letter addressed to the bundle and let out a quick squeak of excitement. I had no idea what it was but loved that I was getting something personal for my business.
I received the sweetest thank you note from Anna Belknap (best known for being an actor on CSI: NY, Lindsay Moore) and her husband Eric Seigel. They have a little girl and are expecting again! Best Wishes Anna and Eric, your thank you note made my day and I got a whole new burst of motivation!