After a weekend of two halloween parties, mother-in-law in town, pedicure (way overdue) and a birthday party, my sewing reality set in! I was trying to get some sewing done this afternoon while my husband watched our son (who kept coming into the office where I was) and then finally after a few hours I threw in the towel. I put Elmo on my computer and he finally sat still for a while. I was able to arrange my show booth table a bit and reorganize ALL the sewing I have to jam in this week! Good thing about having so much to do is that I'm excited to do it and look forward to the show this weekend! It's always a good feeling when I like what I do! p.s a bomb went off in my office but look closely and you can see my son's head in the chair in the first picture and in the second picture he's like where are you going?

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