Critter Winner announced!
Thank you all for entering and following me!
I love to give things away...everything is better shared!
I wrote down all the names and cut them two assistants were there to help me! Surrounded by my fishbowl with names and critters(except the pink bunny..forgot that one)!
Cole is pondering which one he is going to play with
after I exploit him for the picture (muhhaa, little does he know he will not be playing with my inventory).

Pink bunny is missing again...oops!

And just for fun I thought I'd show you what my office looks like when it's 7:30 at night and I am trying to post something while entertaining my 2 offspring...pretty right...not!
Can't wait to clean that up!
Okay...drum roll!!!!
The winner is KATE RASCON!
Kate, please contact me to claim your critter of choice. Do it quick before my off spring get their hands on them and you get some drool with your critter!

**Thanks for playing...and guess what!
For the people that actually read all the way down to the bottom I am giving away a blanket this week! Winner will be picked on Thursday night and my office should look like the above again!
Not only because you read my rubbish but because I love ya and I love to give away blankets!
Simply post your favorite color on my wall and you will be entered to win!
Off to clean up the office....