January 29, 2011

new site!

so excited to launch my new site!
I had a lot of fun creating it and hope to keep it evolving and changing now that I can do it all myself! I am still working on the burp cloth section since in the middle of all of this I got talked into redoing my husbands site as well. I will be launching that in a couple of days.
Jessica, thanks for telling me about bludomain, love all their templates and it was so easy!

January 27, 2011


My BFF sent me this article and I love this kind of inspiration...especially since we all long to do something different when we have been in the same job for a while!
Everyone love cupcakes!


January 19, 2011

where is my camera?

tap, tap, tap! Where is my new camera?
I received this in the mail but no camera yet!!!
The memory card is no good to me unless I have the camera Amazon!

January 18, 2011


Still waiting for my new camera to arrive so I can take pics of my blankets! I somehow just got talked into redoing my husbands website before mine is even re-launched!
Good thing he is cute!

January 13, 2011


I decided to buy a new camera and it's on the way.
I'm a little annoyed at myself for not choosing 2 day shipping. I'm dying to get it and it's not going to be here until the 18th or later. Anyhow, very excited to get it and start taking pictures of my new blankets and launch my website.
Now let's all remember when you see my pic's that I am good at making blankets and I am still working on my photography!

January 8, 2011

new lens in the house

This is one of my first pictures with my new lens...not bad eh?
It helps that the subject is cute too!
Here is one with grandpa :)
She is 1 and he is almost 75!

January 4, 2011

la fabric district

I've been dying to head down to LA's fabric district to find some new fabrics and new wholesalers! I found this great blog which talks about some of the fabric shops. Note to self in 2011... must plan trip with BFF soon! She also has has some great patterns on her blog for you creative ones! Yea for creative people sharing!

canon 50mm 1.8

I have yet to take the leap and buy a new camera after all this hoopla with selling things around the house to save up. I can't decide for the life of me which one to get...but will decide soon! This week my train of thought is a middle of the road camera with a good lens where as two weeks ago I was ready to buy the 7d with the good lens(seriously breaking the bank). In the meantime my mom bought me this lens which I have read nothing but good things about...baby steps! I think I will try to improve my photography skills first by taking photo's of my new blankets later this week with my new lens, yea! :).


I've been trying to figure out the best way to start the new year off right tracking all our expenses/income for my husbands business, the two businesses I run and also our personal expenses. I think I just found my match. You can track all your expenses and create budgets..it's really cool and you only have one log in! Hallelujah!
Check it out. www.mint.com