I've been drooling over a new camera for months now...rather than throwing the purchase on the credit card (which by the way is paid off) or taking money out of savings I am taking a new approach! I have so much crap around the house that I don't use and stuff that has been stored for ages. I'm on a mission to see how much I can sell on Craig's list and EBay and that will determine my camera choice...good idea eh!
Get rid of lots of crap = fabulous new camera! Plus the added bonus knowing I will not be appearing on the next episode of A&E's Hoarders!
Here's where I'm at currently:
car seat (used maybe 5 times in hubby's car) = $20
Halloween outfit (worn for maybe 20 minutes)=$15
Pottery barn diaper bag (never used and stored for 3 years) = $20
Birthday present from mom and dad $200
small hand bag(had it for at least 8 years) $50.00
Total so far= $305.00
(not bad eh..so okay my mom and dad's gift helped me a lot so I need to get busy with more big ticket items!)
Wish me luck will I get a canon rebel or maybe a canon 7d?
Just exactly how much crap can I get rid of AND how long will it take me?
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