October 7, 2010

Best 15 minutes of the day!

Everyday I get up between 6am and 7am (unfortunately it's not by the alarm) it's usually being startled awake by the 3 year old or the 8 month old. From the get go we hit the ground running (getting everyone fed, dressed, and ready to get out the door). I wake up looking like one of those troll dolls that you used to spin in between your hands and the hair gets all crazy, so I must fit in a shower and put on my face.

Once everyone is where they are supposed to be, or the nanny has checked in for the day I get to work and the day flies by. Soon... dinner and the same drill, feed, bath, read and get the kids into bed between 7pm and 8pm. Geez.......will I get to the point already. So what I'm trying to say is tonight I took 15 minutes to go in and rock Elle (8 month old) to sleep (she's sick, so she can't suck her thumb and breathe at the same time since her nose is stuffed up so she requires more to get to bed the last few days) and it was really the best 15 minutes of the day..why don't I do that more? The sweet little bugger was actually still for 15 minutes with her eye lids getting heavier and heavier until finally she was out...so damn cute. I gave her about 5 kisses and she was just so yummy and so peacefully sleeping!

Moral of the story...spend more time with the kids and less time on bullshit daily crap :). Laundry, dishes dirty floors are your unconditional friends they will always be there!

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