So today started like any other day, it was filled with running errands, hanging out with the monkey, working on the bundle, and then unfortunately going to a funeral.
At lunch time my hubby and I met to go to the bank and close an account that we no longer used. We had a car loan through this bank and sold the truck back in March. Okay remeber what I said..sold and paid off the truck in March. A few days ago I realized that they were STILL taking money out (direct withdrawl) for this loan that was paid off 3 months ago. We called and asked why they had been doing this for 3 months after the loan was paid off..and they said that because we didn't fill out a single piece of paper stating that we wanted them to stop this withdrawl. I think that's a bit sneaky... I would assume that when one pays off a loan that they should cancel anything that has to do with that loan...annoying. Anyways...shame on me for not catching it until the 3rd month and shame on them because we closed our account and took our money out.
In the afternoon Monkey and I went to a funeral for my 23rd old cousin. I didn't know her very well but I do know that she was only 23 and way to young to leave this world...especially because she leaves behind a 22 month old.
This was a fast reminder to treat every day as if it were your last...and to "Live for the present and the now" because life can change very quickly!
And...why was I making such a big deal about the bank issue...who cares! Another reminder...don't sweat the small stuff because in the big picture it doesn't matter. Your life and your loved ones are what matters!
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